
August 2019 - May 2023

Gameplay photo of Astro-Shooter showcasing the player shooting a laser.
Photo showcasing the leaderboard of Astro-Shooter.
Gameplay photo of Astro-Shooter.

Project Description

Astro-Shooter is a game built in the Unity game engine where the player is tasked to destroy as many asteroids and enemies for points until the player either runs out of lives or runs out of ammo.  This project was created as a fun way for me to refine my C# skills and to learn the Unity engine.   The project was originally developed in August of 2019 and has been edited and further developed intermittently until May of 2023.

Code Repository

A link to the project's Gitlab code repository can be found here.

Live Version

A live version of the game can be played below.  The controls are as follows: